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Best Locking Mailbox: Wall or Post Mounted



top locking mailboxes

According to the US postal Service, approximately 1.7 million pieces of mail are stolen every year. This fact is what drives many like you to find a quality locking mailbox.

In this article, we will help you find the best mailbox that is a cut above the rest when it comes to security.

We have done extensive research and compiled a list of some of the highest rated locking mailboxes currently on the market. Hopefully, this list will make your buying decision easier.

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Locking Mailbox Regulations:

United States Postal Service regulations (USPS) regulate locking mailbox requirements. A private delivery company like UPS can also place restrictions on where you install a curbside mail receptacle. The following section provides details on locking mailbox dimensions and other guidelines for installation.

– According to USPS, a curbside mail receptacle must be “substantially constructed” of metal or other “suitable rigid material,” and it cannot be more than 12 inches deep if located between the sidewalk and curb.

– The door of a locking mailbox cannot be more than 4 inches deep.

– A curbside mailbox cannot weigh over 20 pounds, not including the weight of its contents. This does not include mail slots used only by newspaper delivery staff to access bundles inside the box. If this is your situation, ask your carrier for details and options.

– Locking mailboxes must have a slot that is at least one-half of an inch wide.

What if I own a single-family home where mailboxes are all individual? You can purchase an approved locking mailbox or apply for permission to install one (see below). If you plan on using your current box with a lock, make sure it is designated as “approved” by the USPS. Not all mailboxes are.

Mailbox Locks Approved by the USPS
FirstClass Mail, Priority Mail, Express Mail, and Parcel Select all use different size mail slots. Only a specific mailbox lock can be used with each type of mail service. In other words, only certain locks are approved for use with USPS Standard mail slot sizes while others

Does the USPS allow locking mailboxes?

The USPS local regulations do not restrict the installation of locking mailboxes; however, there are some guidelines that you should follow for your order to be approved by the Post Office. If you’re renting a mailbox from a private company or if you own a multi-unit property with centralized mailboxes, make sure each tenant has a key.

What makes a quality mailbox?

Mailboxes are installed on residential premises for residents’ convenience, so it is essential that the mailbox be designed correctly to work in any weather conditions, efficiently store mail or parcels, and protect incoming items from theft. Another consideration is the type of community in which you live. Is it a gated community with controlled access? Then your system will need a low threshold/high-security model to deter would-be thieves.

How much mail do you receive daily? Depending on the number of items delivered, a small or large capacity mailbox may suit your needs. Mailbox posts are installed by digging holes in the ground and inserting them, which must be flush with the surrounding area.

Once the mailbox is in place, you can install your choice of mailboxes on it to suit the function of the home. If you are looking for a primary residential mailbox, aluminum curtain wall style models provide economical protection against weather and forced entry. The door will close with or without locking, but there will be no striking plate on the door. This type of mailbox is locked to prevent mail theft, and a locking flag is a popular choice for securing the mailbox flap.

If you want a more substantial residential or commercial wall mount mailbox, check out curbside models with a closed front for security. The standard construction is steel, which comes in either a painted or galvanized finish. The door lock secures the flat steel door, and a striking plate is included for securing the unit against forced entry. If security is of prime importance, the mailbox should be installed where only authorized personnel can access it.

If you require a locking mailbox, figure out what type of system best suits your needs. You may choose the popular “push/pull” system with a lock bar that is pushed forward to enter and pulled back for locking. This type of mailbox is installed above or below ground level. If you live in an area with high volumes of snow, choose an underground model. It provides maximum security at all times by preventing forced entry.

Are locking mailboxes worth it?

Only if you want your mail protected from thieves.

My name is Jake and this website dedicated to self defense weapons. I studied Criminal Justice in the Netherlands and my mission is to empower individuals to protect themselves and their loved ones with the best tools available.

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